Andy Belot
Andy joined Drake Cooper in 2024, as the Executive Director of Operations. He works with internal teams and clients to help create and drive efficiencies, and create and execute agency processes.
A graduate of the University of Kansas, he began his career in advertising as a Media Buyer at an education advertising agency, but quickly realized his love for numbers could transition into a finance role and began working at VML in Kansas City. From there, he parlayed his knowledge of finance into an agency operations expert working through 7 mergers in the course of 6 years, all while directing North American operations.
When he’s not working or spending time with his family and his dogs, you can find him out on a run or attempting to recreate his golf swing from 10 years ago, before his kids came along.
What living person do you most admire?
Michael Phelps
Which talent would you most like to have?
Having any kind of hand-eye coordination
What is your most treasured possession?
My Grandfathers medical bracelet he wore on the Beaches of Normandy
What is your most marked characteristic?
When I do something, I am 100% in
What’s your favorite #overheardatdrakecooper quote?
People who work in advertising are often 2 degrees from center
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