Ginny Guzmán
Ginny is Drake Cooper’s Creative Resource Manager. She has extensive experience in project management in the entertainment industry, working both client and agency side. Originally started as a creative, she realized she had a great ability to get things shifted within her studio group and wrangle creatives. She brings a creative empathy to project management and has an understanding on what it’s like to produce creative under deadline.
Originally from LA, she traded the Mojave for the Sonoran after falling in love with giant cactuses. When at home she’s cuddled on the couch with her pets researching the next location for adventure. You’ll often find her stopped on the trail looking at something neat: a cool growth on a cactus, funky rocks, desert critters, or just marveling at the beauty of her surroundings.
What living person do you most admire?
Those grandmothers on TikTok doing questionable lipsyncs and dancing. I LIVE for it.
On what occasion do you lie?
Out with friends at bars, I’ve been a rodeo clown, rare orchid seller, stunt woman, and hound trainer.
Which talent would you most like to have?
The ability to learn choreography. I really want that grandma TikTok dancing job.
What is it that you most dislike?
Guilty Pleasures, I don’t think you should feel guilty about anything that brings you joy.
What is your motto?
“I’m all in, baby”
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