Harry Orton
Harry is a Creative Director / Art Director. He comes with 15+ years of experience, cutting his teeth at BBH London where he worked on accounts such as Google, Johnny Walker, KFC, Axe, and British Airways. On the side, he also made a couple of music videos for classical composers, Dustin O’Halloran and Ludovico Einaudi. He then made the jump across the pond, as the Brits would say, to work on Apple at TBWA\Media Arts Lab in LA. His most recent agency work was at 72andSunny, where he worked with clients including Uber, eBay, Target, Smartwater, and United Airlines.
Harry grew up in a little town called Windsor, England (where the other Harry of Windsor is from) and went to boarding school in North Yorkshire, which as legend has it was the visual inspiration for Hogwarts School in the Harry Potter films. As Gryffindors do, he went on to Bristol University before entering the world of advertising.
He’s lived in LA for nine years now, and got married this summer back in his old stomping grounds of Yorkshire to include his family and the same six best friends he’s had since age seven. Harry and his wife, Torrey, live on the eastside of LA and have a dog called Pablo.
In his spare time Harry likes to paint, play tennis, and upset his fantasy football league (the one with the soccer ball) as someone who doesn’t follow the sport but seems to always do well! Speaking of football, he also claims to be a Chelsea FC supporter, but really it’s because they were the first team he saw live and they’re the closest team to his hometown. He suspects life would have been much easier if he had picked Arsenal FC as a kid.
What is your greatest extravagance?
The art on my walls
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Alright, mate. Hello mate. Any greeting with the word MATE in it. It’s an English thing
When and where were you the happiest?
The first time I set foot on LA soil (technically LAX tarmac)
If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what would it be?
The drummer from Coldplay. (You’re very successful. You get to travel the world playing your music to stadium-packed crowds. You get invited to all the best parties. You’re friends with some super-talented people. And the best part is, you can walk to the grocery store, and no one will bother you)
What is your greatest regret?
Not moving to LA sooner
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