Ian Howden
As a Marketing Analyst, Ian aims to uncover meaningful insights and build trust between agency & client stakeholders. Ian has a knack for asking the right questions, thoroughly investigating data, and turning the mundane result into a vibrant story. An extreme attention to detail but relaxed personality makes him a valuable resource and calming voice in the storm that advertising can be.
Before joining Drake Cooper Ian attended NDSU in Fargo, ND, where he earned degrees in Economics, Statistics, & Business Administration. After graduation, Ian spent 4 years at a small Fargo-based agency that allowed him to work across many marketing disciplines such as SEO, SEM, and account management, but he always remained passionate about digging into the data.
Based out of Minneapolis, Ian lives and (usually) dies by his Minnesota Vikings. He also has a love for cinema but is a self-proclaimed horrible movie critic.
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Hmm. Maybe my aversion to thrill seeking. I can be a chicken when it comes to heights, speed, etc. I definitely don’t live life on the edge haha!
On what occasion do you lie?
When people ask me if I enjoy living in the frozen tundra that is Minnesota.
Which talent would you most like to have?
Not a talent in the traditional sense, but having more spontaneity in my life would be a welcome addition.
What is your most marked characteristic?
People in my circle frequently comment on my calm demeanor/level-headedness. For better or for worse at times haha.
What’s your go-to office beverage?
Anything but coffee – I just can’t do it. Someday I’ll conform, but not yet.
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