Lauren Nopar
A Chicago native with truly no preference on Cubs vs. Sox (but pizza is a different story), Lauren has worn quite a few hats in the ad industry in her near decade of experience. She started her career in media planning before pivoting to brand and influencer partnerships in the branded content space. While she did work on the Mattel account, unfortunately, she cannot claim a connection to the Barbie movie sensation. She had an Eat, Pray, Love calling and solo-traveled Asia for 5 months before heading up project management and creative resourcing for a content marketing agency. She recently moved to Boise for more access to nature and the outdoors.
Outside of work, you can find Lauren refurbishing an old dresser, taking on too big of sewing projects, convincing everyone to retake Pottery 101 with her for the 4th time, or likely in physical therapy, paying the price of being a child athlete. And also…Go Blue! IYKYK.
Which talent would you most like to have?
Speaking and understanding all languages.
Who are your favorite writers?
Lucey Foley is my current favorite.
What is your motto?
You’ll regret it if you don’t try.
Who is your favorite artist or band?
Lake Street Dive, Maggie Rogers, and Jensen Mcrae.
What activities keep you busy outside of the office?
Pottery, sewing, playing mediocre guitar, a billion intramural leagues.
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