Madelaine Kilroy
As Account Manager, Madelaine ensures client projects are addressed and in-progress within the agency. She manages the day-to-day activity and makes sure all details are accounted for.
The majority of Madelaine’s professional experience has been in marketing, specifically dealing with content creation and social media. She’s passionate about constantly learning, asking why things are the way they are, and striving to be better than the previous day. Madelaine is innovative, creative and motivated to incorporate her passion for people and developing relationships into her career.
Those closest to her know her friends are like family, she’s immediately 10x happier when the sun is shining, traveling is an essential part of her life, she’s a dog person, and she enjoys a concert every once in a while.
When and where were you the happiest?
Fall 2019 when I was living in Florence, Italy… AKA simpler times before the pandemic.
Which talent would you most like to have?
Creating music. I have a passion for the industry but have no musical talent whatsoever. Maybe in a next life!
What is your most marked characteristic?
I’ve been told my eyebrow raise is my trademark.
Who are your heroes in real life?
In years past, I’ve never known how to answer this. I have people that inspire me, but my hero at the end of the day is my future self! I believe younger me would be proud to see how I’ve grown throughout the years and strive to be better each day.
What is your greatest regret?
No regrets… maybe just embarrassing moments. But those instances build character, right?
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