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Should Agencies Be Called Agencies?

Great white paper on why advertising agencies are called advertising agencies. Should they be called that now that we do…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
November 12, 2009

Twitter Stats

Twittering To Keep Current Some 19% of internet users now say they use Twitter or another service to share updates…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
November 6, 20091 min read

If Only REACH still mattered…

More adults come into contact with broadcast radio than the Internet, according to aNielsen analysis of a Council for Research…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
November 5, 2009

DC after Dark

Twice a week from 6-9pm in a remote classroom on the campus of Boise State and sometimes in a familiar…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
October 28, 20091 min read

Baked In

New book from Alex Bogusky /John Winsor. Hit the link for a nice summary. What’s the best evidence that…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
October 26, 20091 min read

Idaho Winter Fun

On-demand information for Idaho winter fun. The Bogus mobile project was developed to target iPhone and other webkit based mobile…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
October 15, 20091 min read

Good points from Seth’s Blog

Good points from Seth’s Blog: Things to ask before you redo your website I don’t do any consulting, but that…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
September 18, 20092 min read

Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
September 9, 2009

Kids Hate Twitter?

Silicon Alley Insider CHART OF THE DAY: Actually, Kids Don’t Hate Twitter Anymore! For the past week or so, the…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
August 26, 20091 min read