The American Civil Liberties Union is challenging designers to design a poster that “depicts the transformation of America into a…
First thing every morning I send out a “quote of the day” to the agency. The topics range all over…
Check out this interesting article from the Economist on where online spending will go in the downturn. Yes, the…
Great article from Dave Chase (Sun Valley Online, New West Media) pointing out that companies can and do prosper during…
There’s a really great industry blogger out of the UK who keeps a blog called Scamp. Earlier this week, he…
GREAT piece of research here for marketers and technologists.Contains internet, advertising, social media data. From Morgan Stanley (surprising?) presentation @…
Image by adultaddcoach via Flickr Throughout the conference there was a lot of talk about how well Barack Obama used…
The web 2.0 summit just wrapped up it’s fifth conference – with speakers like Lance Armstrong, Arianna Huffington, Al Gore,…
Two articles to read carefully, both dealing with the economic crisis and its increasing impact on advertising agencies. One’s from…
Drake Cooper was featured in the October issue of Photo District News, noting our use of original photography . The…