Learning Lab Dreams Big with Drake Cooper

The Learning Lab, a literacy and basic skills center for adults and families in the Treasure Valley, has been selected as the first recipient of the Drake Cooper Dream Big Program. The new annual program bequests a local non-profit with Drake Cooper services including brand development, marketing and public relations for the selected organization.

Learning Lab’s objective is to strengthen today’s community and workforce through training and education. Their students receive instruction in basic skills including mathematics, reading, writing, spelling and GED preparation. Learning Lab provides classes for adult basic skills, family literacy for adults and their children, ages 2 months to 6 years old, and English Language Learners.

“We are very excited to be working with Learning Lab this year,” said Jamie Cooper, Drake Cooper CEO. “Often times poor literacy skills contribute to generational poverty and social problems like crime and juvenile delinquency. Through our partnership with the Learning Lab in 2009, our goal is to enhance awareness of this important organization and ultimately to increase literacy in our community.”

From its conception in 1991, Learning Lab has been a leading force in the fight against illiteracy, and there has always been a waiting list for services. Learning Lab has a staff of 13, mostly part time teachers, and nearly 80 volunteer tutors. If you’d like to volunteer your time, or to make a charitable contribution, please contact Ann Heilman at (208) 344-1335.

About Learning Lab
As the Treasure Valley’s leading nonprofit family literacy and basic skills center, the Learning Lab creates opportunities through education and fulfills its mission of enhancing the literacy skills of undereducated families and adults. Since 1991, the Learning Lab has served hundreds of families from Boise and surrounding communities, helping them achieve their dreams of breaking the generational cycle of illiteracy and leaving poverty behind. All Learning Lab students bring the positive impacts of their increased literacy with them into their families, their jobs, and our community. For more information, please visit www.learninglabinc.org

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Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
January 9, 20091 min read