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SEO Geeks, Meet Content Nerds. SMO and Search.

"Yay" for social media optimization and the opportunity it provides for companies to become media producers: create cool, useful, entertaining, informative content that your audience(s) will value and enjoy; do it often; apply appropriate keywords; presto. Whether it's that simple or not - I'm nerdishly excited to find out.
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
July 23, 20102 min read

Travel Trends & Technology

While social media and location-based technologies are a big "trend" in travel and marketing, are we missing a developing trend that's seeing travelers seeking distance from their social media profiles, cell phones, and even cell services for that matter?
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
July 14, 20102 min read


This post is a follow-up to what I wrote yesterday about ESPN’s insanely hyped-up hour-long “special” on LeBron’s big decision.…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
July 9, 20103 min read

Freedom of Advertising?

Whether you’re a sports junkie or not, you may have heard that LeBron James is going to announce his next…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
July 8, 20102 min read

Write the Future…er…Don’t

Hullabaloo rang across the Internet when Nike released its “Write the Future” ad to drum up World Cup hype (as…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
July 6, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Here at Drake Cooper, we love things like marketing, creativity, independence, and above all, mimosas. So we’re celebrating all of…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
July 2, 2010

Facebook Fatigue

Today, Mashable posted this article about a study that found a portion of the 600 teens interviewed were either losing…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
June 30, 20101 min read

A Brand Apart: Homage or Hackery?

Diesel, harbinger of coyly apathetic chic, launched their recent Spring Summer 2010 campaign with a faux-cute and music-video-esque “we’re-all-unique-yet-insignificant” TV…
Sean Young
Sean Young
June 30, 20105 min read

Marketing Healthy: For the Kids

Childhood obesity is more common than playground scuffles, a seemingly acceptable trend is emerging for political figures, culinary celebrities, and even restaurant chains to target kids with healthy eating and healthy lifestyle messaging.
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
June 29, 20104 min read