364 days of the year, the advertising industry and her minions toil and torment our collective creative soles. We spend these days critiquing our work, scrutinizing the strategy, contemplating the kerning, killing the good ideas and poking holes in the best. It’s a glamorous life, eight days of the week and we love every problem-solving-minute-of-it. One day of the year we trade our black uniforms, hipster plaid shirts, and ironic t-shirts for cleaner versions of the same, and make our way to the Rockie Awards.
If we’re lucky, we’re not the only ones who think our creative babies are cute as a button, and if we did our jobs right, the work not only made our clients hordes of cash, but also gained the respect and envy of our industry peers.
In good years we drink to celebrate our wins and in bad years we drink to forget our losses. But no matter what every year we raise a glass to our DC family with a nod and thank you.
This year was a good year.
There are a lot of moving pieces that need to align to get to good work (and to solve a rubik’s cube). Smart-brave clients, a solid strategy and talented creative peeps with renewable endurance.
To our clients we say “thank you”, seriously, we couldn’t do it without you. Without a real business problem to solve we would probably make a lot of cat videos.
Speaking of cats, here’s what these cats drug in. Best of Show, 4 Golds, 10 Silvers, and a few citations. Meow!
The show this year was stellar, pun intended. Stephanie Norell, Jeremy James, Lacy Weist, Nichole Santa Maria and Mr. John Eames, hats off. Best show ever.
Congratulations to our own Bill Drake on being decorated as an IAF/BAF Lifetime Member. We are honored to be a part of your ad family. You make us look good.
Here’s to the next 364 days on planet advertising. Bring it.
Best of Show
Complete Campaign | Don’t Fail Idaho
Client: J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Foundation
Television | Don’t Fail Idaho
Client: J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Foundation
Complete Campaign | Don’t Fail Idaho
Client: J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Foundation
Identity Programs | Hodia Logo
Client: Hodia
Ad Industry Self Promotion | Powerball Huge Food Guerrilla Marketing
Client: Idaho Lottery Commission
Radio | 6 Month Rate Lock
Client: CBH Homes
Television | Holiday TV
Client: Idaho Lottery Commission
Television | Serve Idaho
Client: Idaho Department of Labor/Serve Idaho
Television | 2013 Benefits
Client: Idaho Lottery Commission
Collateral Material | 2013 Season Concert Posters
Client: Boise Philharmonic
Collateral Material | Brew Book
Client: Payette Brewing Co.
Identity Programs | Craft Beer Cans
Client: Payette Brewing Co.
Digital Advertising | bobbleheads.jacksons.com
Client: Jacksons Food Stores
Digital Advertising | For the Love of Bacon | Bacon Bits
Client: Idaho Lottery Commission
Complete Campaign | Take Care Forward
Client: St. Luke’s Health System
Identity Programs| 12 Gauge Label – Design
Client: Payette Brewing Co.
Digital Advertising | payettebrewing.com – Design
Client: Payette Brewing Co.
Magazines| Vital Signs – Strategy
Client: St. Luke’s Heath System
Television | Idaho Cashword – Dialogue & Casting
Client: Idaho Lottery Commission
A Lifetime of Adventures
Two weeks ago during the closing lunch of Idaho’s Conference on Recreation and Tourism in Sun Valley, Drake Cooper’s own Bill Drake…

Our Creative Advertising Services
Corporate Positioning & Strategy
Brand & Sales Strategy, Research
Art, Story & Experiential
Copywriting, Design, Social, Content
UX & Technology
UX, UI, Development, Marketing Automation
SEO, SEM & Overall User Experience
Media Strategy, Planning & Buying
Media Strategy, Planning, Buying, Trafficking & Attribution
Data Insights & Analytics
Media Optimization, Trends, Forecasting, Testing
Photo & Video Production
Direction, Cinematography, Editing, Post