The Mixtape ft. Architecture, 3D Printing, & Your Life History

This week, we explore housing and history. Among the chaos of what seems to be an endless cycle of political news stories we found solace in the future of technology and seeing where we have come from as a people. First, 3D printing has made massive steps in the manufacturing industry in recent years and it’s capabilities have inspired engineers and designers to come up with new functions and abilities. With scale and size, we have seen the first 3D printers erect buildings right out of the ground. The potential for this is rather fascinating, as we could easily see how this would revolutionize the way in which we perceive owning a house as a luxury and privilege. The future of well-designed housing could be cheap, and that could change a lot.

Finally, we hope you click around on the third feature, by The Atlantic. They have created a series of web pages where you enter your birth date and they show you some of the most important global events that have occurred during your lifetime. It’s cool to take a moment and see where things have gone.


7 Things I Learned in Architecture School

“Always design a thing by considering it in its next larger context — a chair in a room, a room in a house, a house in an environment, an environment in a city plan.”

— Eliel Saarinen

Read Time: 2 mins


How to Print a House

A few weeks ago, there were a few widely-spread stories discussing new 3D printing technology and its potential for producing low-cost housing. Read more on the future of housing, the changes coming to architecture and design, and how 3D printing could shape the way we live and work.

Read Time: 12 mins


A Timeline of Your History

Whether you’re 21 or 55, there’s been a lot of history during your life. Here is a fun and fascinating way to understand and remember the events that have shaped who you are. If you want, try seeing the world from the perspective of someone born in 1917. A lot has happened in some people’s lifetimes.

Read Time: 6 mins


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Taking the stage at AMA Puget Sound Market Mix

Last week our Chief Strategy Officer, John Drake, took the stage to speak about agency trends at the 2017 AMA Puget Sound Market…

Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
May 9, 20174 min read