DJ dove deep into the waters of advertising and came out on top. You would be hard-pressed to find someone as involved with as many projects as DJ. He is a dude who loves to make stuff and loves to learn new things. If he doesn’t know it, he will learn it. If it’s cool, he has seen it. If it’s random, he can do it.
Most interesting thing you have done at Drake Cooper?
Oh wow, that’s a great question. I would probably say the stuff I did for a JKAF shoot. We went to New Plymouth and I was holding our DP out of his sunroof while he filmed. I was also skateboarding outside a car while holding a camera rig – that was interesting. We went out on the road this past summer and filmed all over Idaho for the More in Store campaign. We built a robot last week for the “Buck the Quo” youtube series. Shooting inside a Walgreens… I guess that isn’t too crazy.
What would you tell your son if he was considering joining a Creed tribute band?
That I’m disowning him.
See the future or see the past?
Definitely see the future. There were exciting things that happened in the past, but I am more excited about the things to come.
What motivates you?
I don’t want to live a boring life. I look at people who live a boring life, and I don’t want to be like that.
One lesson you have learned from working at Drake Cooper?
There are so many. I think the best lesson is that a good idea can come from anywhere. There have been creative problems that I have been stumped by, and then the idea hits me when I am mowing the lawn or talking to someone not connected with the project, like my mom. Then I steal their idea and claim it as my own.
There is the age-old question of who would win in a fight between a grilled cheese sandwich and taco, but we both know the real question is who would win in a fight between a Belgian waffle and a Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwich?
What are they fighting for?
Maple syrup.
As far as caloric density, I’m going with the Jimmy Dean. It packs a bigger punch just because of calories.
The coolest thing you have found on the internet?
I watch a lot of those Snapchat news stories, and there have been some interesting ones based on Cuba and American tourism and its effect on the Cuban economy.
How has music shaped your life?
I started playing music when I was in high school. I was someone who needed a hobby but instead of sports, I played music. Music kept me out of trouble, even if we were playing in bars, it kept me focused on the craft. Music also introduced me to the arts community, and that helped me understand how to make stuff. That was the first time I was able to create, finish a project, and get immediate feedback. You learn pretty quick if people like your music or not.
Advice to those who want to work in the creative field?
I would say, be willing to work hard. Just because it’s creative, doesn’t mean it’s easy. Being creative can be mentally exhausting. Remove the words “not my job” from your vocabulary. Also, don’t settle for mediocrity. If you’re going to do something, make it awesome.
Who would you let punch you directly in the face?
Marcus Mumford, although he might give me brain damage.
Say there’s like a whole box of Teddy Grahams in a room all by themselves. Say I left them there and told you not to eat any until I got back. How long would it take you to disobey my wish?
I would grab the bowl as soon as you left. If I could find milk in your hypothetical room, I would pour the Teddy Grahams into a bowl and eat them like cereal.
An Inside Look at Payette Brewing’s New Boise Brewhouse
We visited with Mike Francis recently to talk about the future of Payette Brewing and the new Downtown Boise brewhouse.

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