Honored by Inspired Magazine


We’d like to thank our friends at Inspired Magazine for the shout-out on Being listed as one of the “most inspiring and well-designed travel sites” in the world alongside the country of Australia, Pioneer Africa and others is most exciting.

Marketing a destination that’s as unique and varied as Idaho, takes a dedicated team of professionals from across the State. Like other state DMO sites, VisitIdaho serves a variety of audiences, but the main market is domestic leisure travelers looking for what the Gem State has to offer.

To help inspire travel to and throughout Idaho, here’s a few features we’re extremely proud of. The site is under constant development, so while these tools are active today, there’s even more baking behind-the-scenes.

Virtual tours – Once done, this interactive section will be one of the largest digital collections of 360 degree tours in the US. Powered by content from our friends at Regal 360, this online mapping feature ties together points of interest from across the state, including destinations like Coeur d’Alene, Sandpoint, Sun Valley and Boise. It also showcases activities, sporting and cultural events and places off the beaten path.

Free travel publications – When traversing our rugged landscapes and backcountry roads, it’s handy to have a travel guide or highway map. We offer a gallery of materials, from printed brochures and  map guides to interactive flipbooks and PDFs. Free to travelers, these materials are packed with information, full color photography and other travel planning resources to ensure a safe and enjoyable vacation or day trip.

Adventures in Living blog – From the latest road conditions, community spotlights and statewide events, the AIL blog has been a welcomed addition to Idaho Tourism’s marketing mix. New content is published weekly and alongside the monthly Adventures in Living e-newsletter, travelers now have multiple tools to help stay current and in-the-know.

Home page promo tiles – As a way to highlight top news, promotions and marketing initiatives, we implemented a tile engine on the home page. As a no-click delivery vehicle, it’s helped us keep the site fresh and relevant.

Of course, we share this acknowledgement with our friends @VisitIdaho; our collaboration together is what helps create such a strong and useful web experience.

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