Drake Cooper is looking for a Media Specialist Extraordinaire! If you love all things Media, from negotiating rates to reconciling discrepancies, from research to analysis, from GRPs to CPPs to HUT/PUT/PUR you might be the one for us! We’d love to add a savvy guy or gal who knows all there is to know about new forms of media, dreams at night of Excel spreadsheets and gets a kick out of statistics to our progressive, fun-loving, wii-playing, peace-spreading, sagacious ad shop. Bowling trophies and/or secret bird-calling talents aren’t required, but certainly help. And please, the telephone is so 80’s. This is the 21st! Emails only! Please send your resume and cover letter to hvogt@drakecooper.com. Must possess a four-year college degree and a couple years experience in media planning and buying. All the usual benefits apply.
Kristin Armstrong shoots commercial with Drake Cooper for United Dairymen of Idaho
Idaho’s gold medal winning cyclist Kristin Armstrong loves chocolate milk. Armstrong is an active proponent of chocolate milk as a…

Our Creative Advertising Services
Corporate Positioning & Strategy
Brand & Sales Strategy, Research
Art, Story & Experiential
Copywriting, Design, Social, Content
UX & Technology
UX, UI, Development, Marketing Automation
SEO, SEM & Overall User Experience
Media Strategy, Planning & Buying
Media Strategy, Planning, Buying, Trafficking & Attribution
Data Insights & Analytics
Media Optimization, Trends, Forecasting, Testing
Photo & Video Production
Direction, Cinematography, Editing, Post