Your data is your data.
You own it and have the ability to approve how it’s used.
Let’s work together to build a web where this agreement is better understood.
For over a century advertising has been a leading way for media and entertainment companies to generate revenue. Advertising has supported many things at these companies, like their workforce and ongoing product creation. As the web and its major platforms–such as Facebook, Google, and many more–have risen up they too have chosen advertising as one of the main ways to fund their businesses.
The long-standing agreement people have had with advertising is that they accept it into their lives in order to enjoy the thing that contains it. At their worst ads are seen as necessary irritants. At their best ads are useful and entertaining messengers.
Advertising wants to be liked. It wants to be something people welcome because when it is, everyone benefits. Consumers can discover things they want or need, and businesses are able to create customers and contribute to economies.
People want ads that are relevant to their life, they don’t want ads that are specific to their life. This is the same goal smart brands have for their advertising, too. Let us all support platforms, partners, media companies and data providers who strive to only seek relevance from their advertising. A relevant-not-creepy approach respects people’s time by not exposing them to ads for irrelevant things while also avoiding all invasive intentions and tactics. This takes a more thoughtful approach that everyone should do because the reward is a better web for all.
As an advertising agency Drake Cooper doesn’t want anyone’s personal data. We do not want to know who anyone is. And we certainly do not want the ads of our clients to fund digital platforms who abuse the trust that people give to them.
When we choose digital platforms to advertise on, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and beyond, we have three important requirements that we look for:
Consumer consent experiences have to be clear, concise and understandable.
Privacy control reminders should be recurring and remind people to always re-evaluate their preference settings.
Accountability has to be affirmed by the key regulatory bodies and their directives like the European Union’s GDPR, the FCC’s Privacy Act, the FTC’s COPPA rules, the CAN-SPAM Act, among others.
Understanding and controlling personal data is a basic right which every consumer is entitled. We believe that if our agency continues to enforce this stance we can strengthen a growing movement, along with other caring advertisers, to collectively build a better web where people and brands understand each other much better.
The Best Advertising Ideas in The World, Recapping The 2018 Cannes Winners
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Our Creative Advertising Services
Corporate Positioning & Strategy
Brand & Sales Strategy, Research
Art, Story & Experiential
Copywriting, Design, Social, Content
UX & Technology
UX, UI, Development, Marketing Automation
SEO, SEM & Overall User Experience
Media Strategy, Planning & Buying
Media Strategy, Planning, Buying, Trafficking & Attribution
Data Insights & Analytics
Media Optimization, Trends, Forecasting, Testing
Photo & Video Production
Direction, Cinematography, Editing, Post