CBH Homes Shiny New Awesome Videos
Conventional assumptions run rampant that old homes have a lot of “character.” On the contrary, what comes with a old home’s so-called character is a lot of icky stuff that most of us wouldn’t like to even think about, much less take a fantastic-voyage-esque journey just to see what lurks, clings, and stinks in that old house.
CBH decided to take the task head on and show that CBH Homes are not just awesome, but a triple adjective threat of “Shiny New Awesome.” To tell that story, Drake Cooper was tasked with creating 8 short web videos to show how old homes are actually “Filthy Antediluvian Loathsome” with all the hidden gross-outs found in old carpets, ceilings, and drapes.
The spots were concepted, written, shot, and edited in just four days and up on social networks faster than you can say “due to the repugnant stimuli, I’m about to regurgitate on the befouled floor treatment.”
See All Videos at:
CBH Facebook Tab
CBH YouTube Channel
“What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.” — Woody Allen
Shout-Out: CBH Homes, Dennis Budell, Joe Quatrone, Brandie Holly, John Drake, North By Northwest Productions, Jeff Noble, Lorena Davise
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