Lisa Hawkes is the person who makes things happen. With her steady smile, she brings a sense of order and peace to the chaotic madness which is advertising. She can juggle many different things and make it all look easy. We love Lisa, and we think you should, too.
If you could pick one role to act in for one movie what would it be?
Oh my gosh! So many to choose from! I love fantasy movies like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. I think it would be a blast to be a character in something like that with all the cool costumes, effects, and otherworldly set design.
One lesson you have learned by working at Drake Cooper?
Be flexible. Come in and be light on your feet. Learn to roll with the punches. At a shop this size, we wear many hats, and we need to jump in whenever it’s needed. So be flexible and adaptable. It’s good for you.
What part of your job makes you most excited to go to work?
The people. Definitely the people.
If you could become the greatest at one thing what would that be?
At being a mom! It’s the toughest job you’ll ever love.
Your favorite child?
Do I have to choose? (wincing face)
One challenge that you overcame?
One? I am challenged every day! Ha! Making it through the day, keeping it together, trying to be a decent spouse, mom, employee, daughter, sister, friend. I find life very fun but very challenging. And that’s coming from someone who has not faced severe challenges that you read about in the papers. I’ve been fortunate.
Soda or pop?
Soft drink, David. It’s called a soft drink. When I was growing up you didn’t ask for a pop or soda; you asked for a soft drink. Weird, I know.
Craziest experience that you wish to share?
When I was younger, most of my experiences were sports related. I did a lot of amateur racing. Mountain bike racing, triathlons, running races, I was really into all of it. The craziest race I did was a 100-mile mountain bike race in Colorado that I actually didn’t finish. It was a wild ride while it lasted.
If a UFO landed in your backyard would you get in or run away?
Run away! I am terrified of that stuff. I am afraid there might be some reality going on there.
Who is your favorite co-worker?
It’s split between my deskmates, Tyler, and David, who are conducting this interview. They’re the best!
You had worked here for a while and then left to pursue other things, what brought you back to DC?
I came back to DC for the opportunity to help build a video production company within the agency. Having been a film student, being a part of a production company has always been high on my interest list. And when that opportunity came from Drake Cooper, which is full of awesome people, has clients with great missions that I care about, and is led by Jamie Cooper, who’s such a cool guy and dedicated leader, I was on board!
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Cannes Young Lions is a global competition that takes place every year. Young advertising minds compete in teams of two…

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