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.Net Web Developer Wanted

We are seeking a highly skilled senior ASP.NET developer with a strong background in building creative, scalable high-quality and high-performance…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
June 21, 20121 min read

Will Work for Art

And you thought finding love on a street corner only happens in popular if not overly parodied 90’s movies involving…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
June 12, 20122 min read

Terrific Grocery Idea

So here’s an example of what data and systems and creativity can do for the most unlikely product: mayonnaise. Shoppers…
John Drake
John Drake
June 11, 20121 min read

People Like Sales

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that J.C. Penney is backpedaling on its non-promotional stance with plans to add more…
John Drake
John Drake
May 31, 20122 min read

The 2012 Rockie Awards

The Rockies Awards Show had us fist-bumping, high-fiving, and truth be told, learning how to jerk (you never know when…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
May 14, 20121 min read

Space Available

If you don’t know Adrian + Sabine and The Walton Works, our new building roomies, you ought to! Adrian +…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
May 10, 20121 min read

Facebook Is Different

There’s a good report recently released by Netpop Research that provides some current perspective on social media usage that’s immediately…
John Drake
John Drake
May 9, 20121 min read