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Where do you get your Vacation Inspiration?

  This New York Times article begged the question, “Travel Sites or Guidebooks?” Some interesting points the author, Sharkey, points…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
February 17, 20101 min read

Hooray for beer!

Ever wonder where the best beers brewed in America come from? I bet you have. Well guess what you’re in…
Dylan Amundson
Dylan Amundson
February 17, 2010

What Wired Will Look Like on the iPad

Cool article showcasing “what WIRED Mag will look like on the iPad.” For those who question the iPad’s form…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
February 16, 2010

Follow-Up: I Want my MTV Back

Last Friday, I posted a response to the news that MTV is redesigning its logo. Apparently, thousands of others did…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
February 16, 2010

For Your Listening Pleasure…

And for a little musical inspiration on this President’s Day: Justin Townes Earle. I’m a big fan of musicians who…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
February 15, 20101 min read

MTV changes logo, name to GTL

MTV will now just be called GTL. (That’s Gym, Tan, Laundry for those of you who DON’T know). This AdAge…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
February 13, 20102 min read

Milk News

This new information on milk just surfaced a day ago: Drinking Milk While Pregnant May Lower Kids’ MS Risk “Children…
Drake Cooper
Drake Cooper
February 11, 20101 min read