TV: United Dairymen of Idaho Milk Campaign
Your mom or other parental unit probably told you a gazillion times to drink your milk or you’d have to go to bed without listening to Jim Backus. With these TV spots for United Dairymen of Idaho, we decided to work the other direction and have kids tell us about the yummy nutritional awesomeness about milk. So listen up and drink up, or no Spongebob riding David Hasslehoff for you.
All six of the spots were filmed over 4 days by NXNW productions. The flaxen-domed director was John Eames, produced by Steve Simkins, and edited by John Nance.
The “I like Milk” TV campaign focused on two main directions, “Slice of Life” and “Science.” Enjoy:
Slice Of life:
Here we see kids, friends, hooligans (sans choreography), teammates, and moms interact over milk in day-to-day settings.
Bigger production values make this the science fair of science fairs.
Shout-Out: Lisa Hawkes, Jennie Myers, Joe Quatrone, Sean Young, Karma Jones, Dylan Amundson, Mona Teffeteller, NXNW productions, Steve Simkins, John Eames, John Nance, Dave Earnest, Mike Baltzell, El Korah Shrine
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