Wanted: Web Design Intern

Job Summary

Works with digital team to create digital assets including but not limited to: email templates, web banners, social media content, landing pages, and websites. Basic development skills will be utilized for front end development, SEO implementation, and CMS updates.

Key Responsibilities

  • Assist in creating digital assets
  • Supports front end designers and developers
  • Coordinates with project managers to assure things are delivered on time and on budget
  • Works within approved scopes of work
  • Solicits feedback from client and internal team
  • Reports to project manager and front end design/development team


  • Education: Junior/Senior in college or recent graduate
  • Experience: 1-2 years experience in related field is preferred


Candidates with experience or having the ability to learn the following tools and fundamentals is preferred:

  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Flash Animation
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript
  • Responsive Design
  • WordPress CMS
  • Basic SEO principles
  • Web Standards


  • Timing: As soon as possible
  • Location: Boise, ID
  • Pay: Hourly, Depending on experience
  • Hours: 20-40/wk


Please send your resume and/or portfolio to careers@drakecooper.com. Please put the job title you are applying for in the subject line of your email. If you have any questions, please call our Boise office at 208-342-0925.

About Drake Cooper

We are a Northwest U.S. advertising and digital agency with offices in Boise and Seattle. Ranking #11 in Outside Magazine’s “Best Places to Work”, Drake Cooper embraces the idea of enjoying life while at work (and at play). Our mantra is – We Build Brands and we work with brands in many categories like tourism, recreation, and food and beverage.


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