DC teams up with 44º North Vodka


This is a bit of a belated announcement but it’s about time we update everyone on how excited we are about our new partnership with WyattZier, LLC and their spirit brand 44 North Vodka!

44North is a brand that DC is very passionate about because of its Idaho roots, the quality of the product and the great people behind the brand. It’s also a very exciting challenge for us to work on a national spirit brand that’s located in our own back yard.

As far as what we’ve been in the kitchen cooking up…you’ll have to hold your breath a bit longer. As a matter of fact why don’t you grab a 44 North and soda or maybe a Doc Holiday to kill the time. Keep you posted on when we expect to roll the new work out.


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Dylan Amundson
Dylan Amundson
February 5, 20101 min read