Wired Magazine published this article, titled ‘Don’t Be Evil,’ Meet ‘Spy on Everyone’:How the NSA Deal Could Kill Google.
Anyone (read everyone) who uses or has used Google or any Google applications should read it and keep an eye on how Google is monitoring and processing or sharing your information.
I’ll leave the conspiracy theory blotheating about the impact of this Google-NSA partnership for my personal blog.
Personal rights to privacy aside, it is interesting to consider how this partnership with the NSA might impact Google from an economic standpoint.
As its mantra “Don’t Be Evil” diminishes in meaning, will the masses start looking to search engines like Bing for answers, applications and advertising?
Or, are Google’s programs so widely used, and the Google brand so predominant, that the company can create partnerships with the likes of the NSA without suffering a PR debacle?
The answers will develop over time on this one. But for those interested in everything from rights to privacy to SEM, the Google-NSA relationship might be a good one to follow.
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