Nice Bling, Mr. Boone

Behold the Jensen Ringmakers Elk Ivory Brochure

Imagine what would happen if you took a Fifth Avenue debutante and sent her to live with Daniel Boone for a week. Okay, that’s a stretch. The real deal is that Jensen Ringmakers needed to update its Elk Ivory brochure. Now, to most suburban folk, Elk Ivory may seem a bit strange. But, to sportsman and their kin, it’s an important way to celebrate their love of the great outdoors.

While communicating the craftsmanship of the Jensen Ringmakers, we also evoked the rugged beauty of the outdoors. This was accomplished with a rich natural-feeling paper with a spot-foil that brings out the luster of the jewelry. What we end up with is a piece that speaks to both the debutante and mountain man.

Jensen Ringmakers is getting great feedback from their customers and is happy to see a classic product offering getting a classy reinvigoration.

Shout-Out: Dennis Budell, Joe Quatrone, Sean Young, Dylan Amundson, Karma Jones.

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