If you know anything about athletics you know that they can be an emotional roller coaster. The Olympics are the biggest stage in sports and here the emotions run the highest. Tears of happiness and sadness are shed at each and every event on the playing field and the same is happening in the stands. By whom you might ask? By the mothers who’ve watched their children grow up to become the best athletes in the world.
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1zNhqS-_Ms]As I watched this spot today from P&G; I got a little emotional myself. As I was watching it I remembered how my mother used to sit on the edge of her seat as I competed. She was always there to celebrate with me in victory and console me in defeat. Of course I’m no Olympic athlete but the spot spoke to me and isn’t that what we’re supposed to be doing in this business…speaking to people and trying get some sort of response? In the case of this commercial and the others in this campaign I’ve seen today, they’ve hit the mark for me.
Click here to see the rest of the spots at P&G;’s YouTube channel.
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